Monday, November 22, 2010

Useful Info about the Hematite Bead

People sometimes ask me why the hematite bead is so popular, so I have decided to put together a post outlining it’s history and basic information.

The hematite bead is comprised of iron and oxygen. The iron aspect is oxidized which prompts the crystalline quality, and the oxygen aspect brings out it’s soothing, healing energy that thus is reflected onto the body when in contact with it.

The look of the hematite bead is a dark opaque type color, however, it also can be found to posses variations of other colors such as silver, and a dark brownish red color.

This mineral has a bit of weight to it due to its magnitude of iron content. The hematite mineral that contains more of the reddish coloration has been know to promote a vital circulatory system along with inspiring the creative nature within a person.

If you happen to be into metaphysics, which I happen to be, the hematite crystals can be a key aid in grounding the energies of a higher magnitude while acting as a powerful bridge that connects the physical and the spiritual realms.

The use of this mineral even goes back to ancient times for various purposes. The polished version was said to provide a calming, soothing influence on our bodies. It also has the ability to dissolve harmful thoughts and undo negative intentions.

Locations such as Quebec, Canada and Lake Superior are prime locations for obtaining this magical mineral if you wanted it from the source. The original form of the mineral errs on the side of being more like a brittle and rusty rock. The process of becoming a bead involves being ground and mixed with a glue type substance that will bind it and it becomes quite hard like a stone. Some people call this form of hematite, hemalyke. It’s virtually the same thing, but in a more finished version.

The bead itself is very durable and versatile, its only weakness, if you had to describe one, would be that it is very sensitive to acid. You will want to ensure that you use only gentle and or mild cleansers when caring for jewelry with these beads on it.

With all this, it is easy to see why the hematite in all it’s forms continues to be so highly regarded throughout the ages and has also become one of my favorite gemstones to work with. I've always found myself very drawn to the energies of the hematite bead and now after reading this article I hope you will too.

To get great hematite jewelry and to begin to reap the numerous benefits it has to offer, check out our hematite gemstone section at to find designs that most suit your style. Before you know it you will be feeling like fantastic complements of mother earth.

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